Monday, January 28, 2008

T1//Wk 5 : Death on Two Wheels


Before you click on the link below to read the article, what is "two wheels" referring to?

In your blog, post your comments on the following:

(a) what are the characterisitcs of the group who tend to suffer death on the "two wheels"?

(b) Should we ban "two wheels" on the road completely?
There is no right or wrong answer but you have to give reasons to substantiate your argument.


blah said...

(a)It is the motorcyclists or any vehicles that is wheelers.
(b)No,we should not because we may not have the fun on the bicyclce anymore but those people that ride on two wheelers should be careful on road

Anonymous said...

Dexter Leow 6.7

(a) They did not stay in proper control, keep a proper look-out for other vehicles ,heed traffic signals, keep a proper distance from the vehicle in front and overtake safely.
(b) Yes, it will cause more accident if we did not ban ''two wheels''.

Anonymous said...



( a ) The characristics of the group take risks and lack of experience of riding aged 24 and below.

( b ) We must not band riding bikes as it is very useful to the poor for it is cheaper than cars and is faster.

ThreeFaith said...

a) They tend to speed, take risks, have a sense of invincibility, lack riding experience is aged 24 or under.
b) No, we should not. The motorcycle occupy less space than other vehicle, it do not have air-con like other vehicle, does not pollute the air and cause gobal warmning.

Anonymous said...

wan terng
(A) I think they were riders that tend to speed, take risks to have a sense of invincibility.
(B)No, I do mot think so. The riders should be responsible or they may cause harm to others and themselves. They should stay in proper control, otherwise, it should be banned

Anonymous said...

(a) They tend to speed, take risks, have a sense of invincibility, below 24 years old and have little riding experience.

(b)I think we should not band two wheels as it takes up less space and it is much cheaper than cars. It will be useful to poor families.

Anonymous said...

Death on two wheels

a )The people who died were young.b ) I think that we should ban " two wheels" completely as many of the accidents involved motorcyclists.

Anonymous said...


Term 1 Week 5

Two wheels is referring to motorcycle, bicycle or any other mobiles which are two wheels.

a) Usually motorcyclist are the victim.

(b) I do not think that we should ban two wheels as it can be the only transport for poorer people who cannot afford a car or anything. You may say they can take a bus or a train but think of it, if they need the transport fast all they can do is take their own transport.

Anonymous said...


"Two Wheel's"

Many young people aged 18 to 40 have died because of their carelessness and rash riding.Many of them do not follow the rules or modifi their bikes, which caues thier lives.

But then. we must not ban riding bikes as it is very usefull to the poor which needto support their families, as it is cheep and faster.

Anonymous said...

(a)It is motorcyclists and pillion riders.
(b)Yes, we should. It is too dangerous as it will cause many accidents to happen on the road.

Anonymous said...


a)Those who had died were young.Those who had died in last year were aged 24 or under.
The other deaths were of people aged 40 or older.

b)No we should not ban it.As "two wheels" are cheaper than other vechicles and a certain percentage of people cannot afford other vechicles.

Rebecca said...

a)The motorists tend to speed, take risks and have a sense of invincibility. They also lack riding experience. They are usually 24 or under.
b)No, we should not ban "two wheels". The people who died were careless, it would be unfair to those who drive carefully if we ban "two wheels".

Anonymous said...

Two wheels refer to the motocycle.

A) They are those who don't
>Stay in proper control;
>Keep a proper look-out for other vehicles;
>Heed traffic signals;
>Keep a proper distance from the vehicle in front;
>Overtake safely.

B) No, we shouldn't. If we ban the two wheels, it wouldn't be fair for those who are driving safely on the two wheels. We should only ban those who are not considerate for causing accidents from using the two wheels. That way we can decrease the deaths every year on two wheels.


Anonymous said...

(a)The characteristics are : When driving stay in proper control, keep a proper look-out for other vehicles,heed traffic signals;
keep a proper distance from the vehicle in front,overtake safely

(b)Yes. It will cause more deaths if we do not ban "two wheels"